Lighting as a Service

Like many areas within the energy sector, the lighting industry is currently in the midst of change. Older technologies are being replaced with energy efficient LED lighting. Reduced cost of lighting, higher quality products and significant energy conservation are key factors contributing to the growth. Businesses are keener than ever to find innovative, green solutions to meet their energy needs.

Lighting as a Service (LaaS) allows businesses to treat their commercial lighting needs as a managed service with chosen providers’ designing, installing and maintaining luminaries and lamps. Globally, the lighting as a service market is expected to experience a growth rate of 48% to reach a total market size of $750 million by 2022, increasing from $71 million in 2017.

The introduction of LEDs, with their long lifespans, low maintenance requirements and reduced energy costs has led to a complete overhaul in the way businesses acquire lighting assets. For this reason, a lighting revolution is taking place across the world and Ireland is embracing it with open arms!

Here in Ireland, the market has experienced rapid growth also, as large organisations realise the potential that lighting as a service can bring to their business and to their bottom line.  Lighting projects can deliver energy savings of up to 70-80% compared to older lighting technologies and can greatly help to meet sustainability and energy efficiency targets. A standard gymnasium switched over to LED lighting  and after the contract the gym was saving 67% on lighting costs compared to the original situation.

Across the continent, a number of EU governments have adopted initiatives that support energy efficient lighting systems, encouraging organisation’s to be proactive in their efforts to help reduce energy usage, as we move towards a low carbon future.  Recently a customer of Flogas Enterprise has saved 90 tonnes of CO2 over the course of the contract by implementing  this measure.

The Future

Governments are also keen to develop and foster new ways of creating smart and green cities of the future which require more advanced and sustainable infrastructure. In light of this, (pun intended!) we should see an increase in the level of lighting solutions offered by local governments for streets, open public spaces, walkways, bridges, public parking areas and motorways.

With an ever increasing focus on business and our environmental footprint, lighting as a service is a simple way to reduce energy waste and usage.

Flogas Enterprise Solas

Flogas, the energy experts, are offering customers a new LED lighting service called Solas. Flogas Enterprise will design a tailor-made lighting as a service solution for your business by selecting and installing the best technology to suit your business needs, and carrying out continued maintenance. This means you can focus on what matters – your business.

For more information on Solas contact Ciaran Gahan by email by telephone on 01 8849400.

Find out more about Flogas Enterprise‘s Lighting as a Service.