Today Flogas Enterprise hosted a breakfast briefing at the Merrion Hotel on the following topics;

Brext, Electricity and Renewable Strategies for Large Energy Users ith a panel of speakers included:

Ronan Dunphy, Head of Economic Research, Investec who gave us an analysis on the latest developments in the Irish Economy and what impact Brexit will have on the Irish economy.

Gearoid Keegan, Foreign Exchange, Investec disdcussed Euro v’s sterling FX rate now and into the future.

Eoin Mooney, Head of Trading, Flogas Enterprise talked about what is impacting electricity prices at the moment and where we think future prices are likely to go and finally

Ross McConnell, Head of Power and Renewables, Flogas Enterprise discussed options on  Renewable electricity  for large energy user and in particular  Corporate Power Purchase Agreements (CPPA).